Gabelli Funds, LLC Completes the Offering of The Gabelli Merger Plus+ Trust, a London Stock Exchange Listed Investment Trust
Businesswire, July 19, 2017
GAMCO Asset Management (UK) Limited, an affiliate of GAMCO Investors, Inc., (NYSE:GBL) announced it has completed the offering of a London Stock Exchange listed investment company, The Gabelli Merger Plus+ Trust, a U.K. PLC. (the “Company”), to invest in global mergers and acquisitions.
The successful global offering raised over $100 million and will trade in London in U.S. dollars under the symbol GMP.
Commenting on the launch, Marc Gabelli, Chairman of Gabelli Merger Plus+ Trust, stated, “I am delighted to be involved with this new launch which brings Gabelli’s distinct investment approach to the UK in the form of an investment trust. It will provide the UK investment community with an actively managed fund investing in companies engaged in announced global merger activity.”
GMP will provide non-U.S. investors direct access to Gabelli’s specialized merger arbitrage strategy, a recognized leader in the U.S.
The Company is focused on a total return objective, emphasizing non-market correlated merger investing. Gabelli Funds believes there is a compelling opportunity for investment in merger arbitrage; merger arbitrage returns, while non-market correlated, have historically been less volatile than the returns of the stock market as a whole.
“The investment focus emphasizes strategic cash transactions with strong fundamentals which often positions our portfolio in unique franchises that can potentially be subject to overbids. Our goal is to offer shareholders the advantages of merger investing utilizing the strengths of the closed ended structure. The portfolio will actively gear.” said Ralph Rocco, one of the lead members of the portfolio management team.
“The U.K. market is highly sophisticated. We are delighted to be entrusted with the opportunity to grow wealth for the investor via the strengths of this investment trust vehicle. The investment trust industry can trace its foundations to the U.K., and the LSE’s offering remains a “best in class” choice for the closed ended structure globally,” furthered Marc Gabelli.
The Gabelli organization through its affiliated subsidiaries, manages private advisory accounts (GAMCO Asset Management Inc.), mutual funds and closed-end funds (Gabelli Funds, LLC), and partnerships and offshore funds (Gabelli & Company Investment Advisers, Inc.). This IPO marks the firm’s second listed Investment trust on the London Stock Exchange, and sixteenth stock exchange listed Investment Company globally. The Gabelli organization has operated from central London for 17 years assisting its New York headquarters in global investment idea generation.
Source: https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/gabelli-funds-llc-completes-the-offering-of-the-gabelli-merger-plus-trust-a-london-stock-exchange-listed-investment-trust-1002185150
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